Current Status…Insurance Quotes

May 22, 2024

We had two adjusters; one for the truck and one for the RV. The adjuster for the truck came out and looked at our poor dented truck yesterday. He has already sent the quote.

The RV adjuster is in Utah. He requested pictures of the damage.

Yesterday, Bruce took the pictures the RV adjuster wanted.

We got the RV quote this morning. Our roof needs to be replaced. Ugh!!!!

We are thinking we should have the RV roof replaced at the factory.

I promise I’ll get back to our travel stops soon. Writing about the damage to the truck and RV is helping me process it.

This has shaken us up. We have been discussing if we want to continue our life on the road. We know better than to make big decisions after a disaster, so we are going to wait a while and see if we start feeling like our “old boney selves again.”

25 thoughts on “Current Status…Insurance Quotes

  1. If the roof had a tree go through it on your sticks and bricks home – or, where you were living, a fire would be more likely – would you rebuild it? Probably. You’ve only lost a fraction of your assets, there. If you were already ready to get off the road, it would make sense – but I haven’t had that impression from your posts. Yes, it helps to work through all this on the page, and in discussion with your community/friends/family. It’s certainly demoralizing to have to deal with this; I hope that where you currently are you are able to get moral support.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, being in Golden with all our friends is so helpful. We are getting a lot of support.

      You are right. We had to replace windows, siding, and a roof when we had hail damage to our sticks and bricks house.

      It just feels a bit overwhelming right now.


  2. It has to be a difficult issue, and I think you are wise to take your time. We gave ourselves a year after retiring to think about “what next.” Most times, it has worked out well, but we still sometimes think other options might have been more satisfying. Once you have dealt with all of this, it will likely be clearer as to your next move; at least, we can hope so. I wish you the best outcome possible.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You are right, once we have dealt with the damage, we will feel better and that will be a much better time to decide. I love traveling and seeing new places, and I have been enjoying living in the RV.


  3. It would be a mistake to suddenly change plans and ditch the open road. You and Bruce were really enjoying your life style. Stuff (I used to say another word) happens. You will get your truck and trailer back in shape eventually and be ready to hit the road in style!!! Hang in there! Love, Howard

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hang in there, Julia! It will get better. With this big bump, it is only natural to question if you want to keep full-timing, but time will tell the answer. I wouldn’t rush it. It seems you really enjoy travel. What places do you want to see that you haven’t visited yet?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. There is so much I want to see. We haven’t explored Washington state, Oregon, basically the West coast. We were planning on exploring the states along I-90 as we headed east this time.

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  5. It’s not like staying home would be any easier. We had three tornadoes touch down near us last week. 😳. 🌪️

    Looking forward to your ultimate decision!

    (How is Nox enjoying this down time?)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nox is enjoying being at a place she knows. We’ve stayed in this park 4 times now. She is somewhat interested in the rabbits, but doesn’t even try to chase after them.

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      1. Murphy is like that. He enjoys sniffing where they’ve been, but he shows ho interest in chasing them. I guess we can learn from Nox and bloom where we’re (temporarily) planted!

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